Online Learning Center - Course Catalog

The IAFF Online Learning Center provides many opportunities to expand your knowledge and understanding in a number of topics, such as, health and safety, hazardous materials, emergency response and labor relations.To get started, browse the course catalog below to find the one that is right for you. Use the register button to enroll.

CategoryCourse LanguageCourse TitleDescriptionRegister
HazMatEnglishConfined Space IntroductionThe Confined Space Introduction course is an introductory course that covers the regulations that govern confined spaces and permit-required confined spaces. It reviews the definition of confined spaces and the inherent hazards, in addition, it details Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910.146 - Permit-Required Confined Spaces. This course also serves as the prerequisite for the Confined Space Operations and Rescue instructor-led course.
HazMatEnglishDrug-Related Incidents ResourcesThe Drug-Related Incidents Resources site is a companion site to the Responding to Drug-Related Incidents: Licit and Illicit Drugs and Drug Labs course. The site provides materials that are discussed in the class as well as many other available resources. In addition, we have included “Test Your Knowledge” options as well as related videos. Even if you haven't taken the Responding to Drug-Related Incidents course feel free to sign up to take advantage of these valuable resources.
HazMatEnglishEmergency Response to Liquified Natural Gas-AwarenessEmergency Response to Liquefied Natural Gas - Awareness is an awareness level training for fire service personnel to recognize and identify the features of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The goal of this course is to provide training for response to incidents involving LNG. Through this e-learning course you will learn what LNG is, its properties and hazards as well as the ways that it can be transported and stored. You will also learn about incidents involving LNG that have occurred in the United States. You will have a chance to put your new knowledge to the test and explore a real-life scenario involving LNG. Upon completion of this course, you will have basic awareness of LNG and how to identify it in your environment.
HazMatEnglishERHM - Hazard RecognitionThe Hazard Recognition: Containers Shapes and Sizes Interactive course (NTED PER-365W) will provide you with the opportunity to learn how to identify different types of hazardous materials based on the packaging and the containers used to store and transport these materials in and around your community. This course also serves as the prerequisite for the Emergency Response to Hazardous Materials two-day instructor-led course (NTED PER-365).
HazMatEnglishERT: Ops - Intro to WMDsThe Emergency Response to Terrorism: Introduction to Weapons of Mass Destruction course provides an introductory overview of terrorism and terrorists, types of attacks and the vulnerability to these attacks. This course also serves as the prerequisite for the Emergency Response to Terrorism: Operations 8-hour Refresher instructor-led course.
HazMatEnglishHazardous Materials Awareness (ALERT)The HazMat Awareness course focuses on enabling participants to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and identify the clues that determine the presence of hazmats/WMDs. The goal of the course is to provide training for response to incidents involving shipments of crude oil, ethanol, and other flammable liquids by rail with a specific focus on providing hazardous materials training for volunteer or remote emergency responders. course is designed to be a prerequisite for the 16 hour IAFF First Response Operations program.
HazMatEnglishHazards & High Consequence IncidentsHazards and High Consequence Incidents (NTED PER-372W) is an interactive course that provides the user an opportunity to use resources to learn about hazards that may be present at high consequence incident. It also reviews what a high consequence incident is and where they can be found. This course also serves a pre-requisite to the High Consequence Incidents: Planning, Response and Recovery instructor-led course (NTED PER-372).
HazMatEnglishHazMat Technician Student ResourcesThe HazMat Technician Student Resources site has been developed to support the IAFF HazMat Technician program. Copies of the study guide, interactive knowledge checks and presentations used in the in-person delivery are available on the site. In addition, there are resources and references that include websites useful for HazMat response, links to regulatory and professional qualification standards and IAFF online learning modules.
HazMatEnglishInstructor Educational MethodologyThe Instructor Education Methodology Training course consists of a downloadable student workbook and post-test. This program has been designed to provide a review of educational methodology regarding the knowledge, skills and attitudes you will need to be an effective trainer.This course also serves as a prerequisite to IAFF Train-the-Trainer courses.
Health and SafetyEnglishAnger Management Training for Fire Service MembersThe Anger Management Training for Fire Fighters: A National Project to Improve Fire Fighter Health training was developed to aid in the reduction of anger management issues among fire service members. The target audience for this training includes any fire service members experiencing anger management issues. The program will also serve as a resource for departments to refer fire service members to in instances where they have been identified as having significant anger management issues. Fire service members who complete all course requirements will be provided with a course completion certificate. This course was developed in collaboration with Duke University and identifies and adapts evidence-based cognitive behavioral techniques for anger management for fire service members.
Health and SafetyEnglishBehavioral Health AwarenessThe goal of the Behavioral Health Awareness course is to educate IAFF members on behavioral health issues encountered in the fire service. The course provides an overview of common behavioral health problems, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use Disorders, available treatment options, and information on balancing work and life stressors. This course takes about 2 hours to complete. Successful completion of this course is a prerequisite for the IAFF Peer Support Training. IAFF Peer Fitness Trainers (PFT) can acquire 0.3 continuing education credits (CECs) for completing this course. Relevant information will become available upon completion.
Health and SafetyEnglishCancer in the Fire Service - FundamentalsThe goal of this course is to provide training and education to participants on what cancer is and the occupational risk of being a fire fighter or EMS provider. The goal of this 30-minute e-learning course is designed to gain a basic understanding of cancer in the fire service, identify routes of exposure and known fire ground carcinogens that contribute to occupational cancer, recognize personal risk factors, and implement occupational best practices to prevent exposures. Upon completion of this course, you will have a basic awareness of cancer in the fire service and how to prevent it.
Health and SafetyEnglishDisaster Response Peer SupportThe Disaster Response Peer Support training has been developed in the context of more frequent and more severe natural and man-made disasters affecting the fire service. Trained peer supporters will be provided with information on how disasters contribute to behavioral health problems and how to intervene. Participants will learn the importance of promoting five key concepts: safety, calming, efficacy, connectedness, and hope.
Health and SafetyEnglishEmotion Regulation for Emergency RespondersThe Emotion Regulation for Emergency Responders (ER4ER) course provides an overview of common emotion regulation techniques including understanding emotions, mindful emotion awareness, cognitive flexibility, and countering emotionally-driven behaviors. Fire fighters will learn how to recognize the emotions they are feeling and will learn effective tools to regulate these emotions.
Health and SafetyEnglishFire Ground Survival AwarenessThe goal of the Fire Ground Survival Awareness Course is to ensure that training for Mayday prevention and Mayday operations are consistent between all fire fighters, company officers and chief officers. This course is a comprehensive curriculum developed using near misses, close calls, and fire fighter fatalities to address critical elements of fire ground survival. It also serves as a pre-requisite for the Fire Ground Survival Train-the-Trainer course.
Health and SafetyEnglishHelping Members in RecoveryHelping Members in Recovery is an awareness level training for fire service personnel who want to support a member that is currently engaged in or has recently completed treatment for a mental health or substance use disorder. The course covers common behavioral health problems in the fire service, levels of behavioral health treatment, and strategies for individuals and affiliate leaders to support members in recovery.
Health and SafetyFrenchLe cancer dans les services d’incendieL’objectif de ce cours est de fournir une formation et une éducation aux participants sur ce qu’est le cancer et le risque professionnel associé au fait d’être pompier ou fournisseur de services médicaux d’urgence (SMU). Ce cours de formation en ligne de 30 minutes est conçu pour permettre d’acquérir une compréhension de base du cancer dans les services d’incendie, d’identifier les voies d’exposition et les cancérigènes connus sur les lieux d’incendie qui contribuent au cancer professionnel, de reconnaître les facteurs de risque personnels et d’adopter les meilleures pratiques pour prévenir l’exposition. Une fois ce cours terminé, vous aurez une connaissance de base du cancer dans les services d’incendie et des moyens pour le prévenir.
Health and SafetyEnglishResponding to the Interface AwarenessThe Responding to the Interface Awareness training includes 10 one-hour online modules. The training program is designed to provide fire fighters and company officers a consistent basic understanding of safety, command and control, and strategy and tactics to use when defending structures from a wildland fire (defensive strategy) or suppressing a wildland fire in and around structures (offensive strategy). This course also serves as a prerequisite for the Responding to the Interface Operations and Train-the-Trainer instructor-led courses.
Health and SafetyEnglishSafety Planning Intervention for Suicide PreventionThe Safety Planning Intervention for Suicide Prevention training covers how to complete the Safety Planning Intervention with fire fighters who have made a suicide attempt, reported thinking about suicide or who otherwise may be at risk of suicide. Through this process, the fire fighter will learn how to recognize when they are experiencing a suicidal crisis and will develop a prioritized written list of tools they can use to keep themselves safe. This Safety Plan acts as an emergency plan, or standard operating guide (SOG), to avert a crisis and prevent the fire fighter from acting on their suicidal thoughts or urges.
Health and SafetyEnglishUnderstanding the Fire Service for Mental Health CliniciansThis course is provided by the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), the largest labor union for fire service professionals representing over 330,000 members in the United States and Canada. This online self-paced training for is intended for mental health clinicians who are interested in working with fire service personnel in a clinical setting. Other healthcare providers may also benefit from this training. This course will provide clinicians with a comprehensive understanding of the fire service, while providing the foundation for a strong therapeutic alliance when working with fire fighters.
Health and SafetyEnglishWorkplace Violence Prevention for First RespondersWorkplace Violence Prevention for First Responders introduces you to the concepts of workplace violence and provides an overview of the status of prevention policy. It also discusses self-size-ups and scene size-ups including cultural humility. Mitigation strategies such as de-escalation are covered for scenarios when prevention is not an option and concludes with steps to take after a violent encounter such as reporting and seeking help. This course should take you about 3 hours to complete.
NegotiationsEnglishCollective Bargaining: Preparing for SuccessPreparing and research is essential for archiving success in collective bargaining negotiations. The Collective Bargaining: Preparing for Success course will discuss how to prepare for these negotiations.
RetirementEnglishRetirement Fund Penalties EliminatedUnder the Defending Public Safety Employees’ Retirement Act of 2015 (effective January 1, 2016), public safety officers who separate from service at age 50 can immediately begin withdrawing funds from all of their employer sponsored retirement savings—both defined benefit and deferred compensation—without penalty. This course explores which types of fire fighter retirement savings are affected, and the background on the changes.
Union AdministrationEnglishBudgeting for Local UnionsNo matter how large or small your local is, as a union officer, you have an obligation to your membership to ensure that funds are properly accounted for and spent efficiently. Creating and using a budget is a proven way to plan your local's revenues and expenses. In this course, you will learn about the importance and steps of budgeting process.
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