The IAFF Peer Support training program continues to transform the behavioral health conversation in the fire service. Attendees will learn how to access peer support training through locals and departments. We will also introduce a 10-step model to developing a successful peer support program. Topics include how to obtain program buy-in, select peer team members, utilize mental health clinicians in your community, conduct program outreach, evaluate your impact to stakeholders and more. Attendees will be provided with practical strategies and IAFF resources to build or enhance an existing peer support program.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
As an affiliate leader, you may be subject to a legal standard, known as duty of fair representation (DFR), that governs how you represent your members in contract negotiations, grievances and other labor matters. In this workshop, you will study relevant case law to learn what is required of you, how the courts have applied this standard to unions, the consequences of violating the standard and best practices to avoid DFR lawsuits.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
This interactive course examines the elements of preparing for a meeting, conducting a meeting and maintaining the necessary documents after a meeting. Attendees will participate in identifying and collecting the necessary documents for a meeting, drafting an order of business, drafting a presiding script, conducting a meeting, taking minutes and maintaining records. Questions are encouraged.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
Employee discipline is governed by a complex array of legal rules. To be an effective affiliate leader, you must be familiar with these rules to help your members in fast-moving, high-pressure situations when your labor lawyer is not yet on the scene. In this workshop, the IAFF General Counsel’s Office will familiarize you with the fundamental principles of U.S. law applicable to employee discipline, focusing on the legal aspects of employer investigations into workplace misconduct. You also will hear from an experienced affiliate leader regarding this important topic.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
The provision of EMS response is an essential service that government must provide. However, for this service to be effective and efficient, it must be staffed and positioned appropriately to address emergencies in an equitable manner. When creating a staffing and deployment plan, it is important to understand how many units need to be in service and where they should be positioned. This course will outline how the IAFF utilizes demand and workload to calculate the necessary number of units to have in service and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to determine the optimal locations for units to be positioned.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
Learn how to grow and expand your local or state political and legislative programs. Hear from a panel of IAFF leaders how they established and enhanced their electoral and advocacy programs. Panelists will discuss best practices and successful strategies relating to campaigns, fundraising, policy development and lobbying. This class will include case studies and ample time for discussion.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
To protect our benefits, they must be affordable. Most employers don’t understand the industry and take the actions advised by the brokers and consultants. This leads to flawed RFP and bidding processes and bad deals for all concerned. This class will discuss Health Benefits Advisory Committees, healthcare trusts, choosing brokers, PBMs, and vendors and contract language for these entities and the local. We will examine case studies that our affiliates have implemented to provide solutions for our members and look at what the IAFF is implementing in the future.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
Session will cover the following topics of using SMART: Getting Started, Effective Communications, Member Engagements, Contract Administration, Effective Representation (Grievance and Discipline), Creating a SMART website.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
During the workshop, you will identify and learn how to effectively model union values while communicating with the membership, building an effective culture of union solidarity, and creating and working with coalitions to achieve local IAFF political and legislative goals.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
On a daily basis fire department are confronted with a variety of issues that require labor and management to work together. The best departments have the tools in place to work through those issues successfully • even if they don’t always agree. This workshop will address best practices and how labor and management leaders create a team culture, build trust over time and develop consistent involvement. Case studies will be addressed where labor management cooperation was utilized to address situations that are generally met with conflict. In addition this workshop will address that there is no perfect system and even with collaborative labor-management relations, there will always be ups and downs.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
The Nationwide Retirement Institute® Managing the Taxes on Your Retirement Income seminar will provide insight into how taxes can impact your retirement plans. Tax efficiency in retirement requires a thoughtful approach to income planning that starts as early as 10-15 years prior. Nationwide’s educational resources can help guide decisions that have implications on your income and expenses. A more tax-efficient retirement income distribution plan can add tens of thousands of dollars to estate values or years to portfolio longevity. This session will refresh your knowledge of tax basics like which investment accounts are taxable, tax deferred or tax free. And it will provide some sequencing strategies for drawing retirement income tax-efficiently.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
Despite your best efforts to resolve all disputes internally, some grievances cannot be settled at the local level and must be heard by a neutral arbitrator. To win at arbitration, a union leader must be well prepared and have a good understanding of the arbitration process. This workshop will give you an overview of arbitration procedures and protocol, methods for selecting an arbitrator and strategies for cutting costs. This workshop is ideal for local union officers and grievance committee members who work in collective bargaining environments and have limited experience with grievances.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
For leaders in the fire service, there are few things more important than identifying their top performers and promoting them accordingly. The success of every organization depends on putting the right people in the right places at the right time. This engaging and interaction session will provide an overview of various promotional procedures from the fire service, the U.S. military and the private sector. It will address diversity and promotional process shortcomings. Attendees will be able to identify pitfalls and tools for success, as well as best practices for their department.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
On April 19, 2019, four fire fighters were seriously injured when a cascading thermal runaway within a 2.16 MWh lithium-ion battery energy storage system (ESS) led to a deflagration event. IAFF partners at Underwriters Laboratories Fire Safety Research Institute studied the event and will educate attendees on the ESS dangers and response strategies.
On June 24, 2021, Champlain Towers South, a 12-story residential condominium, collapsed, leaving one-third of the building standing but in danger of collapsing onto rescuers. We discuss fire department and IAFF response, efforts of technical rescue teams, peer support resources and environmental monitoring by the IAFF using lessons learned from the 9/11 attacks.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
Fire fighters put their lives and health at risk to save other people’s lives and property; they don’t stop to ask who lives in the burning building or for background information on the heart attack victim. At the same time, fire fighters need to bring that respect for community, diversity and ethics back to the firehouse, living up to their own • and their community’s • highest standards for providing a safe, diverse and respectful workplace. Similarly, a station house must be a place where teamwork standards live up to fire fighters’ • and their community’s • standards for fairness and transparency. This workshop helps examine what it means to be a good team member, how to make effective changes in individual behavior and how to build a culture of teamwork that respects and embraces diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
The impact of the labor movement in the U.S. has been deliberately hidden. There is a lack of labor education in public schools, often an anti-union bias in the media and a hidden history of public employee organizing. In this class, attendees will examine the history of fire fighter and public employee organizing and how understanding and educating members about this history can help us build strong locals today.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
This workshop will address many facets of being a union officer, including the responsibilities associated with each role. This workshop will also address how to be a union advocate, using the skills of the executive board, and how to organize members and increase their participation in order to build a stronger local.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
Do you have an upcoming ballot Initiative? Pension fights? Negotiations? Learn how to incorporate social media into your message strategy to achieve success for your local.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM
IAFF members are constantly confronted with choices that match work against family life and other personal obligations. Fire fighters must balance their 24-hour shifts with family events, holidays and other obligations. This workshop will give union leaders tools to help themselves and their members address these work-family issues for a better work/life balance.
01/11/2022 - Tuesday Workshops (Session 4)
1/11/2022 2:00 PM