Advanced Peer Support Trainings - Course Catalog

The IAFF is pleased to offer advanced training to IAFF-trained Peer Supporters. Thank you for the work you do supporting our brothers and sisters. To get started, use the register button to enroll.
Course TitleDescriptionRegister
Disaster Response Peer SupportThe Disaster Response Peer Support training has been developed in the context of more frequent and more severe natural and man-made disasters affecting the fire service. Trained peer supporters will be provided with information on how disasters contribute to behavioral health problems and how to intervene. Participants will learn the importance of promoting five key concepts: safety, calming, efficacy, connectedness, and hope.
Safety Planning Intervention for Suicide PreventionThe Safety Planning Intervention for Suicide Prevention training covers how to complete the Safety Planning Intervention with fire fighters who have made a suicide attempt, reported thinking about suicide or who otherwise may be at risk of suicide. Through this process, the fire fighter will learn how to recognize when they are experiencing a suicidal crisis and will develop a prioritized written list of tools they can use to keep themselves safe. This Safety Plan acts as an emergency plan, or standard operating guide (SOG), to avert a crisis and prevent the fire fighter from acting on their suicidal thoughts or urges.
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